CFL - Celebrity Fashions Limited
CFL stands for Celebrity Fashions Limited
Here you will find, what does CFL stand for in Fashion under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Celebrity Fashions Limited? Celebrity Fashions Limited can be abbreviated as CFL What does CFL stand for? CFL stands for Celebrity Fashions Limited. What does Celebrity Fashions Limited mean?The based company is located in engaged in apparel & fashion industry.
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Alternative definitions of CFL
- Contains Foul Language
- Central Florida
- Chemin de fer luxembourgois
- Cleared Flight Level
- Canadian Football League
- Central FLorida
- compact florescent lamp
- Compact Fluorescent Light
View 168 other definitions of CFL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CPS Connect Plus Services
- CEG Concord Engineering Group
- CBRM Cape Breton Regional Municipality
- CBC Central Baptist College
- CSSA Communities in Schools of San Antonio
- CMRGI CMR Group of Institutions
- CLO City of Lodz Office
- CW Cushman e Wakefield
- CCI Contract Callers Inc.
- CCA Clear Channel Airport
- CTU Cebu Technological University
- CCG Caldwell County Government
- CG City of Gladstone
- CMG Charlton Media Group
- CSLT City of South Lake Tahoe
- CHP Community Health Partnership
- CCS Candid Color Systems
- CSCL Corrosion Service Company Limited
- CCIB CCI de Bordeaux